
Saturday 19 April 2014

Attitude adjustment

For as long as I can remember I have always been a loner.  As much as I enjoy the company of others, it is in solitude that I am most comfortable.  Even more so since my awakening.  I have time to reflect on my thoughts and from observations I've had during my day, perhaps a conversation or something that I saw or heard in passing. 

Being attuned to diverse energies and frequencies, my own energy depletes rapidly on days where I feel mentally tired. As a human sponge to energy and exposed to various characters and their behaviors, attitude as well as their feelings weigh me down when I allow it. 

Since my awakening, I see my peers and family in a different light, where 3 years ago I took part in gossip and openly complained, feeling, annoyed, angry and frustrated over someone bumping into me or cutting in front of me whilst driving put a huge bug up my nose. I have no interests in these matters any more.  I am not ashamed of my former behaviour or attitude either as I didn't know any better - you would think that a married woman in her 30's raising three children would know better right? Not that this is an excuse but the majority of the people in my community and places where I go all seem to share the same attitude. Always busy rushing around, getting upset and frustrated at the most tedious detail and allowing other people to anger them.  I was most definitely like this and am so grateful now to be able to view people and situations with evolving eyes.  As I had adopted this behaviour for over 30 years, this manner of thinking and personal conduct was all I knew, it did not occur to me that my behavioural patterns and thoughts had detrimental effects on my soul and spirit, to be honest I really didn't care or give much thought as to whether or not it affected me in any way. I was mostly concerned with being right and having the last word!  So grateful am I to have experienced this negative pattern within me that it took a tremendous amount of self-reflection, self forgiveness and forgiveness of others which was one of the most heart-wrenching, emotionally painful and draining personal experiences I have lived through. I now take pause on my thoughts before giving voice to them.  If a person or situation doesn't sit right with me I allow time to analyse why, I question myself and take into consideration the other persons thoughts and behaviour before I take action and have realised this works best for me, I don't retaliate in anger, but rather a thoughtful and logical way to respond which benefits both parties, this way of dealing with matters is an amazing transformation from my former self who would have been hot tempered and belittling.  Far am I from where I need to be on being an improved version of me, this is a continual lesson where I learn every day and acknowledge that there will always be room for self improvement. 

It is a peaceful attitude that I am adopting, I notice every single day how far I have journeyed with my behaviour and thoughts.  If it isn't positive, I say nothing. If someone acts to what I perceive to be irresponsible or selfish, I take a breath and do or say nothing, but if I have to, it is with a peaceful and calm demeanour......such an improvement!

I AM truly grateful for these lessons which are now being passed on to my children and those around me.


Thursday 13 March 2014


My path to healing began shortly after my awakening. I experienced sorrow when next to people who were having difficulties or those who were in pain whether emotionally or physically. It was as if I felt the need to reach out to them, of course I did not as I did not know what their reaction would be.  At that particular time I was hurdling through a lot of obstacles such as dealing with energies I could sense, trying to understand why I could feel different vibrations and inexplicable mood swings.  I remember sitting and attempting to process what was happening to me, a calmness overcame me followed by knowing I could heal. I had an incredibly strong urge to call the angels and heal, that sounds egotistical, but it all came from within, the sentiment came from something deeper than my mind! It just so happened that my friend, Sofia was suffering from back ache, I had spoken to her about a healing and asked if she wouldn't mind me trying to help her to which she agreed.  I had never thought I would be in this position or even contemplated ever "healing" someone in my life, never read about it either. Everything I did felt natural.  I asked the angels to protect me and grounded myself? - I didn't know where that came from at the time.  I called Archangel Raphael to guide and use me and thought of my friend, I then sent the intention to heal, it was lovely, the peace and gentleness that came through me was phenomenal, I didn't realise it, but being a channel for such amazing energy reaps benefits as I was also experiencing the energy.  The following day my friend told me she went to bed with a thumping headache and woke up pain free! So began my journey to healing.

I have been told on numerous occasions that after speaking to me or being near me people feel so much better, and any emotional issues seem simplified after a conversation / text from me.  All I can say is that the Angels are truly amazing to be able to guide me in making someone else feel that much better. 
I have performed a lot of one to one and distant healing over the past two years, all with astounding results, I must reemphasise that I am NOT the healer but an instrument through which the energy is channeled. Stretching this beautiful service I offer I became a Reiki & Seichem practitioner and am hoping to do my Mastership this year. 

Should you feel you need a healing of some form, distant or one to one, please contact me.

Thursday 6 March 2014

Intuitive photo readings

I became aware of messages coming to me every time I walked by a photo of my husband's  grandfather, I had questions about the photo that my husband unfortunately could not answer.  I distinctly remember that before I "tuned" in I kept calling my youngest two girls "bean", this went on for about a week which was unlike me, although I have nicknames for daughters, I never would have gone for "bean"!  The message from the photo was really bugging me, I had impressions of a cat - I am not real cat lover, so I had no idea why.  My in-laws live in the Caribbean, so asking them questions that I wanted straight away was not easy, much to my husband's reluctance I forced him to ask his father if he had a cat when he was younger, it turned out that he did, and his name was BEAN!!  At that moment I knew I was on to something.

I asked my friend to bring photos of people I didn't know to see if I could sense anything from them.  I had literally spent an entire afternoon doing readings, feeling all sorts of emotions, taking on habits and mannerisms of the people in the pictures.  It was amazing and it all felt completely natural to me and it was according my friend accurate!  Over time I have strengthened this ability, with the support of my angels and guides I forward whatever information is given to me.   

It truly is amazing to experience someone else's life through a photo.  This is why I believe it is so important never to do judge someone by their appearances, everyone has a story that no one knows of.  I AM so very grateful to posses an amazing gift especially when I know it is helping another soul.


 Once I have received your photo, I call upon both our angels and guides. I then enlarge it, study it then open myself to receive the information. I type whatever information is given, sometimes it can by cryptic and I won't understand it, regardless it will make sense to you.  I have learnt to just go with whatever I am given, it is definitely not for me to decide what and what not to write.  On occasion after I have forwarded your reading the info may take a few days or perhaps months to absorb.  Most people understand the majority or all of it straight away. All readings are very personal and individual and will only make sense to you. 

If you are interested in a reading please e-mail me:

About me

As well as being a wife, and mother to three extraordinary daughters I am first a soul that has lived through many life experiences full of joy and happy memorable occasions as well seasons of pain and suffering.  

The last two years has set me on a truly wonderful and self reflecting spiritual path.  Though I have personally battled with my emotions and inexplicable sense of "knowing" through which many times has left me confused, annoyed and angry, I have a better understanding of my path and where I must go to lead a fulfilling and peaceful life.  Time is a great healer, it has allowed me to see who I am now, who I tried to be and everything I was and was not in between. 
Much to the surprise of my very nearest and dearest with the exception of my best friend.  I have accepted my beautiful gift of clairsentience and and empathic traits. My gift came as a  surprise to my husband and family as they did not foresee this ability within me.  Although growing up it was known that I had a few supernatural experiences.
I now spend my free time helping souls in need of a reading, energy cleansing or a healing. I must make it clear that I am in no way the healer, I am merely a vessel through which the healing energy is used.  I also run holistic massage treatments.  I find ways to raise my vibration and heal myself. Always learning and extending my spiritual arm to those in need of assistance. 
Should you feel you could benefit from my services please e-mail me at:
My name is Mierra pronounced Me-Aira, thank you for dropping by and getting to know me.  

Being a clairsentient and empath

I can only share with you my experience as a clairsentient and empath and cannot give you a definite description of traits, I would imagine that most clairsentients and empaths have similar personalities and experiences.

Looking back throughout my life strangers and acquaintances confided their problems to me.  Before acknowledging my gift I put it down to having friendly personality and having a sympathetic ear. I often noticed that after listening, especially if the tale was of an extremely emotional sort I would feel mentally drained and most times unwell.  

Two years ago I  deactivated my Facebook account as I felt physically sick every time I logged on.  I could not understand why I would get headaches, feel tearful and experience extreme violence toward certain posts. It has since become apparent that I was absorbing everyone elses energies, the good, bad and absolute ugly!  It was overbearing I had no choice but to deactivate.  One of the first memorable sensations I had early on into my awakening was when I took my daughters out for lunch, whilst studying the menu at the counter I felt rage, it came out of nowhere, discomfort is an understatement, I couldn't see the menu properly as this powerful force got stronger and stronger until SHE stood right next me followed by more toxic energy which was moments behind.  Two ladies had had a huge disagreement and were verbally venting their anger, it was incredible toxic energy.  I had to leave that area until they moved, tears almost formed in my eyes from the frustration of it all.  I have since learnt my lesson and ask the angels to cleanse the energy of places I know I will visit. It is amazing how much energy is generated from anger from such a distance.

Clairsentience has similar traits to empathy. Where a clairsentient has an absolute sense of energy, an empath has a feeling of emotion...this is my understanding. A recent example of where both these traits flared up was when I was walking next a lovely lady I speak to occasionally on the school run. The moment I was beside her unwavering dizziness and nausea overcame me, I realised I was picking up her energy, a minute into our conversation just before she metioned that she was suffering from vertigo, I could feel her light-headedness and knew she wasn't well.  I find that I do tend to take on someone else's pain, especially when doing a reading, I feel every emotion, and the energy of the suffering that person has felt.  It is quite an overwhelming feeling.  One of the benefits, or perhaps the curse in the blessing of having this gift is that I unquestionably KNOW and FEEL when someone is lying, especially when in the presence of the offender, the energy shifts, the energy becomes dense and sluggish. I sense that energy.  However if it's a lie of the acceptable kind, such as keeping a secret for a birthday surprise or similar sort then the energy is quite high as the intention is kind hearted.  The downside is that some "friends" like to have me around so they can ask questions about the people in their lives not realising that my gift extends to every energy I tune in to and can feel their intentions. So why not say "no"? It is very hard to turn someone down and find that I don't have the heart to regardless of if I know what they're feeling.  There is a real need to help people and absolutely cannot stand to see or hear someone suffering emotionally or physically.  I can no longer watch the news or any shows that has extensive violence or suffering.  I also cannot read magazines / columns that berate or belittle other people.  My sensitivity is highly tuned.  I have developed an aversion to the word "hate",  hearing it said with emphasis stings me, especially when directed at someone,  the word itself is invisible violent hostility.

 The desire to want to help people is strong.  If I leave myself open or if I am relaxed, my radar attaches itself to the energies around me.  I can hone in on someone's energy then feel their pain. An example of this is that last year (2013) I became aware of this lady from school runs, I could sense that there was heavy energy around her and felt a little dizzy when next to her.  I really wanted to approach her, but how on earth do you tell a stranger I know you're going through something right now?  I told myself that if I am meant to help this lady, she will find me.  A few months later again I felt a need to reach out to her, but again repeated that if she would find me if it were true.  It just so happened that through a series of events, she did find me as a result,  I have been helping her since, it took 9 months since I wanted to reach out to her, but she came to me when the time was right for her.  At times like this, you just know there is a higher power looking after us and guiding us.  It does take an awful lot of my energy to help someone especially if this person is going through a traumatic experience, I often find that assisting someone with a lot of emotional or physical trauma drains me, it is the energy from that person or situation that weakens me.  Although I ground and shield myself, there are times when I am left with their symptoms.   
Moving best friend, Sofia has the most beautiful home furnished and embellished with Victorian antiques.  After renovating her home during visits, I used to get dizzy standing beneath her amazing chandeliers, each of her chandeliers came with a different story, even her antique cupboards left all sorts of impressions.  I would imagine that part of this gift would perhaps come under psychometry considering that I had touched a few of her smaller ornaments and could sense a history of these items.  Thinking about this I remember that whilst in Jersey with her, at the time I had not yet acknowledged my gift and could not understand why I felt such unrest.  

I can feel other peoples moods and energies just by thinking of them, I instinctively know what mood they are in or how they are feeling.  Sometimes talking to them over the phone amplifies the energy I sense and hearing them I can feel what they feel, good and bad.

I find that music also influences my moods, my taste is versatile, it is often the lyrics that strike a chord with me. However if it is a piece where the music overrides the words then I am quickly drawn in.  Giacomo Puccini's E Lucevan Estelle from Tosca ALWAYS, ALWAYS without fail evokes an emotional warfare within my heart and soul. The moment the clarinet starts to sing its hauntingly beautiful melody I feel the tears...... I am sure I had a connection to Puccini in a past life!  I trained as an opera singer a lifetime ago and cannot escape the want to cry each time I listen to opera.  I can only describe this as I become the music when I hear it which is perhaps why I get so emotional.

Creativity is also another one of my traits, I invest so much time and effort into projects, I have realised that my creativity extends to encaustic art, crafts, writing, many years ago I used to write lyrics.  Building things from scratch and singing. There is always a creative outlet. When I start something, I feel very connected to what I am doing and it does become an extended part of me. I know that when I start a project, the idea doesn't come from my mind it is from my being if that makes any sense?  My husband finds it funny that whenever our children come home with creative projects he names them "mummy's projects". 

On a number of occasions during a healing and reading session with someone I would feel their physical and emotional ailments.  My breathing would be laboured if they had chest problems, I'd get the back ache if that were the case, any physical or mental condition would leave impressions on me that I would pick up.  One particular case during an intuitive photo reading was of a couple who had passed, the energy of these two people were amazing, I felt joy, peace sadness and grief to the point of uncontrollable crying in the middle of the reading. It was not until after that I was told the grief I felt was the loss of a child, I thought about that.  The reading was done in stages, I even went further back in generation looking at the photo. For me, that was simply amazing! 

Clairsentience and empathy are wonderful abilities, I did lose myself and didn't know how to control it. Since discovering these talents I have helped many people especially through intuitive photo readings, energy clearings and healing.  Some might say that I am just a compassionate person, whilst that is true there is a huge difference of feeling upset or sad for someone and actually feeling the exact same hurt and emotions as a person, basically taking on someone's physical and emotional strain as my own, however the moment I leave that person, all physical and emotional strain goes, although I may leave them feeling drained.

I have learnt that this ability also extends itself to animals, I know when an animal is lonely and when they miss someone. I know their upsets and perhaps their habits when their owners are away.  It truly is incredible.  I absolutely have no desire to visit a zoo any time this side of my lifetime, just thinking about it makes me sad as the animals are held in captivity and are they themselves sad and frustrated from being "trapped" and gawked at.  Staying on the subject of animals, I am very quickly going off meat.  This is quite tricky to describe but it has something to do with the way the animal has been slaughtered, I can sense that awful energy, no matter how a chicken / beef / lamb is cooked I always smell and feel the energy of it being slaughtered.  Very grim.