
Thursday 6 March 2014

Intuitive photo readings

I became aware of messages coming to me every time I walked by a photo of my husband's  grandfather, I had questions about the photo that my husband unfortunately could not answer.  I distinctly remember that before I "tuned" in I kept calling my youngest two girls "bean", this went on for about a week which was unlike me, although I have nicknames for daughters, I never would have gone for "bean"!  The message from the photo was really bugging me, I had impressions of a cat - I am not real cat lover, so I had no idea why.  My in-laws live in the Caribbean, so asking them questions that I wanted straight away was not easy, much to my husband's reluctance I forced him to ask his father if he had a cat when he was younger, it turned out that he did, and his name was BEAN!!  At that moment I knew I was on to something.

I asked my friend to bring photos of people I didn't know to see if I could sense anything from them.  I had literally spent an entire afternoon doing readings, feeling all sorts of emotions, taking on habits and mannerisms of the people in the pictures.  It was amazing and it all felt completely natural to me and it was according my friend accurate!  Over time I have strengthened this ability, with the support of my angels and guides I forward whatever information is given to me.   

It truly is amazing to experience someone else's life through a photo.  This is why I believe it is so important never to do judge someone by their appearances, everyone has a story that no one knows of.  I AM so very grateful to posses an amazing gift especially when I know it is helping another soul.


 Once I have received your photo, I call upon both our angels and guides. I then enlarge it, study it then open myself to receive the information. I type whatever information is given, sometimes it can by cryptic and I won't understand it, regardless it will make sense to you.  I have learnt to just go with whatever I am given, it is definitely not for me to decide what and what not to write.  On occasion after I have forwarded your reading the info may take a few days or perhaps months to absorb.  Most people understand the majority or all of it straight away. All readings are very personal and individual and will only make sense to you. 

If you are interested in a reading please e-mail me:

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