
Thursday 6 March 2014

About me

As well as being a wife, and mother to three extraordinary daughters I am first a soul that has lived through many life experiences full of joy and happy memorable occasions as well seasons of pain and suffering.  

The last two years has set me on a truly wonderful and self reflecting spiritual path.  Though I have personally battled with my emotions and inexplicable sense of "knowing" through which many times has left me confused, annoyed and angry, I have a better understanding of my path and where I must go to lead a fulfilling and peaceful life.  Time is a great healer, it has allowed me to see who I am now, who I tried to be and everything I was and was not in between. 
Much to the surprise of my very nearest and dearest with the exception of my best friend.  I have accepted my beautiful gift of clairsentience and and empathic traits. My gift came as a  surprise to my husband and family as they did not foresee this ability within me.  Although growing up it was known that I had a few supernatural experiences.
I now spend my free time helping souls in need of a reading, energy cleansing or a healing. I must make it clear that I am in no way the healer, I am merely a vessel through which the healing energy is used.  I also run holistic massage treatments.  I find ways to raise my vibration and heal myself. Always learning and extending my spiritual arm to those in need of assistance. 
Should you feel you could benefit from my services please e-mail me at:
My name is Mierra pronounced Me-Aira, thank you for dropping by and getting to know me.  

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