
Thursday 13 March 2014


My path to healing began shortly after my awakening. I experienced sorrow when next to people who were having difficulties or those who were in pain whether emotionally or physically. It was as if I felt the need to reach out to them, of course I did not as I did not know what their reaction would be.  At that particular time I was hurdling through a lot of obstacles such as dealing with energies I could sense, trying to understand why I could feel different vibrations and inexplicable mood swings.  I remember sitting and attempting to process what was happening to me, a calmness overcame me followed by knowing I could heal. I had an incredibly strong urge to call the angels and heal, that sounds egotistical, but it all came from within, the sentiment came from something deeper than my mind! It just so happened that my friend, Sofia was suffering from back ache, I had spoken to her about a healing and asked if she wouldn't mind me trying to help her to which she agreed.  I had never thought I would be in this position or even contemplated ever "healing" someone in my life, never read about it either. Everything I did felt natural.  I asked the angels to protect me and grounded myself? - I didn't know where that came from at the time.  I called Archangel Raphael to guide and use me and thought of my friend, I then sent the intention to heal, it was lovely, the peace and gentleness that came through me was phenomenal, I didn't realise it, but being a channel for such amazing energy reaps benefits as I was also experiencing the energy.  The following day my friend told me she went to bed with a thumping headache and woke up pain free! So began my journey to healing.

I have been told on numerous occasions that after speaking to me or being near me people feel so much better, and any emotional issues seem simplified after a conversation / text from me.  All I can say is that the Angels are truly amazing to be able to guide me in making someone else feel that much better. 
I have performed a lot of one to one and distant healing over the past two years, all with astounding results, I must reemphasise that I am NOT the healer but an instrument through which the energy is channeled. Stretching this beautiful service I offer I became a Reiki & Seichem practitioner and am hoping to do my Mastership this year. 

Should you feel you need a healing of some form, distant or one to one, please contact me.

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